All songs (lyrics, melody, & basic harmony) and CD design are © (P) Rick Anthony Jerram 2021.
All rights reserved except for Creative Commons photos marked thus: ##. 

The album was produced by Rick Jerram & Ty Ford. 


I have a huge THANK YOU to all those who contributed to the album. 

The list is headed by that inimitable producer/engineer, Ty Ford, for his patience, generosity, guidance, and advice -and, on top of all that, for introducing Alan Oresky and Tom Alonso to the project. 

Then come my thanks to the contributing musicians who made such a difference to the album:  

Rick Sambuco - for friendship and support through the years and for his steady rhythmic Guitar on tracks 1, 2, 7, & 12; 
Alan Oresky - for his wonderfully sensitive and gallant Violin & Mandolin on tracks 1, 2, 7, & 12; 
Tom Alonso - for taking tracks 3, 6, & 10 and providing such sensitive and imaginative arrangements, playing all the instruments, and patiently re-playing when things went a little awry. And for adding piano and some midi to the title track 7.  
And thanks to Claire Jerram for her lovely vocals on 5. 
Tracks 4, 5, 8, 9, & 11 are otherwise no one's responsibility but mine. 


I  had a steep learning curve with Photoshop Elements to realize the design I wanted for the CD. 

The front cover would not have been possible without George Adams' (© Stage Left Photography) generous permission to use one of his photographs as a basis for photoshopping. I am not revealing the location of the original motel as it bears no relationship to the carefully anonymous interior I have attempted to craft. 

## The Inside Cover photo of a landing stage and lake is a composite of two heavily modified photos. Both are available under Creative Commons CC BY @ 2.0 licenses as noted below. No rights are reserved for the illustration itself, except that the sources be credited as follows: 

## 'Lake Pleasant NY' by SurFeRGiRL30, which may be found here: 

## and 'Rain Over Lake' by Matt's Eye. The photo may be found here:

All other photos © Rick Jerram.

This collection of songs is offered with particular gratitude to: 
Sue Rickards, Gabrielle Roth, Patrick Carnes, and Claire Jerram.