Welcome! This site is dedicated to the songs of Rick Jerram. You can listen, read lyrics and see artwork & credits. Please buy at Bandcamp (next page). Doing so will enable me to complete a second album of songs: "A Church Of Broken Pieces".

Rick was born in London, UK, and has been writing songs since 1996. He worked for twenty-five years in architecture before leaving in order to dance -and later teach- the spiritual movement practice of Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms. In 2008 he moved to the USA. After four years in Philadelphia, he now lives in Baltimore.

Rick Jerram's first offering of songs, AT THE MAYFLOWER MOTEL, was released in the summer of 2021. 

It comprises 12 songs loosely gathered round an Americana theme with a variety of accompaniments.

STOP PRESS: Just had the lyrics to Tangerines From Morocco* placed 2nd in the American Songwriter July/August Lyric Context!

*(See under More Lyrics)
